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SKEP - Wyniki wyszukiwania wśród publikacji

w opisie bibliograficznym
Wprowadzona fraza:
{Advances in Civil Engineering}
Opublikowano w latach:
1960 - 2023
1 (spośród około 72819)

Effects of Number of Atoms, Shell Thickness, and Temperature on the Structure of Fe Nanoparticles Amorphous by Molecular Dynamics Method, 2021, Dung Nguyen Trong , Van Cao Long , Advances in Civil Engineering, 2021, art. 9976633, 1--12, ISSN: 1687-8086, eISSN: 1687-8094, bibliogr. rys. tab. wykr. summ.
Kod: CZR-N-WYKAZ BibTeX (pkt. 70) DOI: 10.1155/2021/9976633
Cytowania wg WOS: 4 [25-12-2023], JIF: 1.843
Open Access: Licence: CC-BY, Article mode: OPEN_JOURNAL, Release time: AFTER_PUBLICATION, Text version: OTHER, Date of publication: 02-09-2021
[AWCZ-32214] [data modyf. 24-02-2023 09:06]