PERS - System Informacji o Pracownikach

author = "K.Mikołajczyk and A.Kuczyńska and P.Krajewski and A.Sawikowska and M.Surma and P.Ogrodowicz and T.Adamski and K.Krystkowiak and A.Górny and M.Kempa and I.Szarejko and J.Guzy-Wróblewska and K.Gudyś",
title = "Quantitative trait loci for plant height in Maresi × CamB barley population and their associations with yield-related traits under different water regimes",
journal = "Journal of Applied Genetics",
volume = "Vol. 58",
number = "Iss. 1",
pages = "23--35",
year = "2017",

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