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@InCollection{van den Berg:2013,
author = "H.van den Berg and L.Głuchowska",
title = "The Inter-, Trans- and Postnationality of the Historical Avant-Garde. Introduction",
pages = "IX--XX",
year = "2013",
booktitle = "Transnationality, Internationalism and NationhoodEuropean Avant-Garde in the First Half of the Twentieth Century ISBN: 9789042927568",
editor = "ed. by Hubert F. van den Berg and Lidia Głuchowska",
publisher = "Peeters",
address = "Leuven - Paris - Walpole, Ma",
series = "Groningen Studies in Cultural Change, Vol. XLVIII",

Punktacja SKEP: 5 pkt.