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w opisie bibliograficznym
Wprowadzona fraza:
{AIMS Materials Science}
Opublikowano w latach:
1960 - 2022
2 (spośród około 72846)

A molecular dynamics study concerning the effect of hight-temperature and hight-pressure on the structure and phase transition of Fe2O3 material : Communication, 2022, Dung Nguyen Trong , Van Cao Long , Ngoc Thanh Nguyen , Stefan Talu , AIMS Materials Science, Vol. 9, iss. 3, 406--429, ISSN: 2372-0484, eISSN: 2372-0468, bibliogr. tab. wykr. summ. - [D.Nguyen Trong: podwójna afiliacja]
Kod: CZR-N-WYKAZ BibTeX (pkt. 40) DOI: 10.3934/matersci.2022024
Cytowania wg WOS: 5 [22-01-2024], JIF: 1.800
Open Access: Licence: CC-BY, Article mode: OPEN_JOURNAL, Release time: AT_PUBLICATION, Text version: FINAL_PUBLISHED, Date of publication: 31-05-2022
[AWCZ-33232] [data modyf. 25-01-2024 12:03]

Determining the density of metals based om their atomic construction using the theoretical model, 2019, Szymon Biernat , Adam Bydałek , AIMS Materials Science, Vol. 5, iss. 5, 748--755, ISSN: 2372-0484, eISSN: 2372-0468, bibliogr. tab. summ.
Słowa kluczowe: atomic structure, density, physicochemical properties, theoretical model
Kod: CZR-N-WYKAZ BibTeX (pkt. 40) DOI: 10.3934/matersci.2019.5.748
Cytowania wg WOS: 0 [01-01-2024],
Open Access: Licence: CC-BY-NC-ND, Article mode: OPEN_JOURNAL, Release time: AT_PUBLICATION, Text version: FINAL_PUBLISHED, Date of publication: 22-08-2019
[AWCZ-24344] [data modyf. 29-08-2022 11:18]