PERS - System Informacji o Pracownikach

SKEP - Wyniki wyszukiwania wśród publikacji

w opisie bibliograficznym
Wprowadzona fraza:
Opublikowano w latach:
1900 - 2100
106 (spośród około 72888)

Stability and dynamic boundary condition decoupling analysis for a class of 2-D discrete linear systems, 2001, Krzysztof Gałkowski , Eric Rogers , Artur Gramacki , Jarosław Gramacki , David H. Owens , IEE Proceedings - Circuits, Devices and Systems, Vol. 148, no 3, 126--134, bibliogr. rys. wykr. summ.
Słowa kluczowe: repetitive processes
Kod: CZR-JCR BibTeX (pkt. [?])
[AWCZ-4724] [data modyf. 06-04-2021 13:59]

Development of a Matlab Toolbox for a class of 2D linear systems, 2001, Krzysztof Gałkowski , Eric Rogers , Artur Gramacki , Jarosław Gramacki , David H. Owens , Systems Analysis Modelling Simulation (SAMS), Vol. 39, 507--519, bibliogr. rys. summ.
Słowa kluczowe: 1D LRP representation, 2-Dimensional system, 2D discretization, LRP controllability, MATLAB toolbox, linear repetitive process (LRP), repetitive/multipass system
Kod: CZR-INNE BibTeX (pkt. 0)
[AWCZ-1780] [data modyf. 06-04-2021 13:59]

On some aspects of discrete equivalents of differential linear repetitive processes, 2001, Jarosław Gramacki , Artur Gramacki , Krzysztof Gałkowski , Eric Rogers , David H. Owens , W: 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control: Proceedings, Orlando, USA, [B.m.]: [brak wydawcy], 2001, s. [6] CD-ROM,
Kod: KON-ANG BibTeX (pkt. 0)
[KONF-12943] [data modyf. 06-04-2021 13:59]

79. Informatyzacja Politechniki Zielonogórskiej w oparciu o system ORACLE, 2001, Artur Gramacki , Jarosław Gramacki , W: VII Konferencja użytkowników i deweloperów ORACLE: Systemy informatyczne u progu nowego wieku - wydajność i bezpieczeństwo, Zakopane, Polska, Warszawa: Stowarzyszenie Polskiej Grupy Użytkowników Systemu Oracle, 2001, s. 219--234,
Kod: KON-NANG BibTeX (pkt. 0)
[KONF-11330] [data modyf. 06-04-2021 13:59]

80. 1D equivalent model and pass controllability of discrete non-unit memory linear repetitive processes, 2000, Krzysztof Gałkowski , Eric Rogers , Jarosław Gramacki , Artur Gramacki , David H. Owens , W: Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics - MMAR 2000: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference, Międzyzdroje, Polska, Szczecin: Wydaw. Uczelniane Politechniki Szczecińskiej, 2000, Vol. 1 : Control Theory : Control Engineering : Modelling : Simulation, s. 163--168,
Słowa kluczowe: 1D equivalent models, pass controllability, repetitive processes
Kod: KON-ANG BibTeX (pkt. 0)
[KONF-1720] [data modyf. 06-04-2021 13:59]

Strong practical stability for a class of 2D linear systems, 2000, Krzysztof Gałkowski , Eric Rogers , Artur Gramacki , Jarosław Gramacki , David H. Owens , W: IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems - ISCAS, Geneva, Szwajcaria, [B.m.]: [brak wydawcy], 2000, s. [4] CD-ROM, - Pełne materiały na CD-ROM
Kod: KON-ANG BibTeX (pkt. 0)
[KONF-3582] [data modyf. 06-04-2021 13:59]

82. Numerical analysis of a class of discrete-continous linear 2D systems, 2000, Jarosław Gramacki , Artur Gramacki , Krzysztof Gałkowski , Eric Rogers , David H. Owens , W: Multidimensional (nD) Systems - NDS-2000: The Second International Workshop, Czocha Castle, Polska, Zielona Góra: Technical University Press, 2000, s. 237--243,
Słowa kluczowe: Discretization, MATLAB Toolbox, Repetitive processes, Stability
Kod: KON-ANG BibTeX (pkt. 0)
[KONF-3641] [data modyf. 06-04-2021 13:59]

83. Selected aspects of Matlab Based Toolbox for linear repetitive processes, 2000, Artur Gramacki , Jarosław Gramacki , Krzysztof Gałkowski , Eric Rogers , David H. Owens , W: Science Research Education - SRE 2000: Proceedings of the Polish-German Symposium, Zielona Góra, Polska, Zielona Góra: [brak wydawcy], 2000, Part 1, s. 35--40,
Słowa kluczowe: 1D LRP representation, 2-dimensional system, 2D discretization, LRP stability, MATLAB toolbox, linear repetitive process (LRP), repetitive/multpass system
Kod: KON-ANG BibTeX (pkt. 0)
[KONF-2541] [data modyf. 06-04-2021 13:59]

84. Metody badania stabilności i stabilizacja liniowych, dyskretnych procesów powtarzalnych, 2000, Jarosław Gramacki , .- Politechnika Zielonogórska: Wydział Elektrotechniki, Informatyki i Telekomunikacji, 2000.- s. 164/ Promotor : dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Gałkowski, prof. PZ
Kod: PHD BibTeX (pkt. 0)
[PHD-1041] [data modyf. 06-04-2021 13:59]

On a new method of discretization of differential linear repetitive processes, 2000, Artur Gramacki , Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences, Vol. 48, no 4, 539--560, ISSN: 0239-7528, eISSN: 2300-1917, bibliogr. wykr. summ.
Słowa kluczowe: discretization, linear repetitive processes
Kod: CZR-JCR BibTeX (pkt. 6)
[AWCZ-1900] [data modyf. 02-05-2021 01:47]

Computational Aspects Relating to Stability of Discrete Linear Repetitive Processes with Dynamic Pass Initial Conditions, 2000, Jarosław Gramacki , Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences, Vol. 48, no 4, 513--537, ISSN: 0239-7528, eISSN: 2300-1917, bibliogr. wykr. summ.
Kod: CZR-JCR BibTeX (pkt. 6)
[AWCZ-1880] [data modyf. 06-04-2021 13:59]

87. Metody dyskretyzacji liniowych, różniczkowych procesów powtarzalnych, 2000, Artur Gramacki , .- Politechnika Zielonogórska: Wydział Elektrotechniki, Informatyki i Telekomunikacji, 2000.- s. 183/ Promotor : dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Gałkowski, prof. PZ
Kod: PHD BibTeX (pkt. 0)
[PHD-1040] [data modyf. 06-04-2021 13:59]

88. Higher order discretization of differential linear repetitive processes, 1999, Krzysztof Gałkowski , Eric Rogers , Artur Gramacki , Jarosław Gramacki , David H. Owens , W: 14th World Congress of IFAC International Federation of Automatic Control, Beijing, Chiny, Oxford: International Federation of Automatic Control, 1999, Vol. D, s. 333--338,
Słowa kluczowe: 2D linear systems, Repetitive dynamics, discrete approximations, stability
Kod: KON-ANG BibTeX (pkt. 0)
[KONF-3521] [data modyf. 06-04-2021 13:59]

Lyapunov stability theory for linear repetitive processes - the 1D equation approach, 1999, Eric Rogers , Jarosław Gramacki , Artur Gramacki , Krzysztof Gałkowski , David H. Owens , W: European Control Conference - ECC '99: Summaries Volume, Karlsruhe, Niemcy, Karlsruhe: [brak wydawcy], 1999, s. [6] CD-ROM,
Słowa kluczowe: Linear Systems, Lyapunov Stability, Repetitive Dynamics
Kod: KON-ANG BibTeX (pkt. 0)
[KONF-3481] [data modyf. 06-04-2021 13:59]

MATLAB based tools for 2D linear systems with application to iterative learning control schemes, 1999, Jarosław Gramacki , Artur Gramacki , Krzysztof Gałkowski , Eric Rogers , David H. Owens , W: International Symposium on Computer Aided Control System Design: Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE, Hawai' i, USA, [B.m.]: [brak wydawcy], 1999, s. 410--415, - Pełne materiały na CD-ROM
Kod: KON-ANG BibTeX (pkt. 0)
[KONF-3701] [data modyf. 06-04-2021 13:59]

Higher order discretisation methods for a class of 2-D continuous-discrete linear systems, 1999, Eric Rogers , Artur Gramacki , Jarosław Gramacki , David H. Owens , Krzysztof Gałkowski , IEE Proceedings - Circuits, Devices and Systems, Vol. 146, no 6, 315--320, bibliogr. summ.
Kod: CZR-JCR BibTeX (pkt. [?])
[AWCZ-1760] [data modyf. 06-10-2023 11:35]

Analysis of properties of multitime-scale systems in 2D approach, 1999, Krzysztof Gałkowski , Artur Gramacki , Jarosław Gramacki , Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences: Progress in system and robot analysis and control design, Vol. 243, 77--86, bibliogr. rys. wykr.
Kod: CZR-JCR BibTeX (pkt. 10)
[AWCZ-10632] [data modyf. 06-04-2021 13:59]

93. Dynamic process initial conditions in repetitive processes controllability and stability analysis, 1999, Krzysztof Gałkowski , Eric Rogers , Artur Gramacki , Jarosław Gramacki , David H. Owens , W: Information, Decision and Control - IDC '99: Data and Information Fusion Symposium, Signal Processing and Communications Symposium and Decision and Control Symposium : Proceedings, Adelaide, Australia, [B.m]: [brak wydawcy], 1999, s. 271--276,
Kod: KON-ANG BibTeX (pkt. 0)
[KONF-3581] [data modyf. 06-04-2021 13:59]

94. Equivalence of state space models for 2-D MIMO systems - elementary operations approach, 1999, Krzysztof Gałkowski , Artur Gramacki , Jarosław Gramacki , W: 14th World Congress of IFAC International Federation of Automatic Control, Beijing, Chiny, Oxford: International Federation of Automatic Control, 1999, Vol. D, s. 327--332,
Słowa kluczowe: Control system analysis, Discrete-time systems, Linear multivariable systems, Matrix polynomial equations, Multidimensional systems, State-space realisation
Kod: KON-ANG BibTeX (pkt. 0)
[KONF-3501] [data modyf. 06-04-2021 13:59]

Methods for the Discretization of a Class of 2D Continuous-Discrete Linear Systems, 1999, Artur Gramacki , Krzysztof Gałkowski , Eric Rogers , David H. Owens , W: 38th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control: Proceedings, Phoenix, USA, [B.m.]: [brak wydawcy], 1999, s. 3458--3463, - Pełne materiały na CD-ROM
Słowa kluczowe: discrete approximations, repetitive dynamics, stability
Kod: KON-ANG BibTeX (pkt. 0)
[KONF-3622] [data modyf. 06-04-2021 13:59]

96. On the stability properties of discrete approximations to the dynamics of differential linear repetitive processes, 1998, Krzysztof Gałkowski , Eric Rogers , Artur Gramacki , Jarosław Gramacki , David H. Owens , W: Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics - MMAR '98: Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium, Międzyzdroje, Polska, Szczecin: Wydaw. Uczelniane Politechniki Szczecińskiej, 1998, Vol. 1: Control Theory : Modelling and Simulation, s. 135--139,
Słowa kluczowe: discrete approximations, repetitive dynamics, stability
Kod: KON-ANG BibTeX (pkt. 0)
[KONF-1600] [data modyf. 06-04-2021 13:59]

97. Development of a Matlab Toolbox for a class of 2D linear systems, 1998, Krzysztof Gałkowski , Eric Rogers , Jarosław Gramacki , Artur Gramacki , David H. Owens , W: Trends in System Analysis and Control: Methods and Applications, Athens, Grecja, Athens: [brak wydawcy], 1998, s. 163--172,
Kod: KON-ANG BibTeX (pkt. 0)
[KONF-7222] [data modyf. 06-04-2021 13:58]

98. Controlling the dynamics of discrete linear repetitive processes by rejecting the effects of dynamic pass initial conditions, 1998, Krzysztof Gałkowski , Eric Rogers , Artur Gramacki , Jarosław Gramacki , David H. Owens , W: The First International Workshop on Multidimensional Systems - NDS-98, Łagów, Polska, Zielona Góra: [brak wydawcy], 1998, s. 63--66,
Kod: KON-ANG BibTeX (pkt. 0)
[KONF-3541] [data modyf. 06-04-2021 13:59]

99. Discrete linear repetitive processes with dynamic pass initial conditions, 1998, Krzysztof Gałkowski , Eric Rogers , Jarosław Gramacki , David H. Owens , W: System - Modelling - Control: 9th International Symposium : Abstracts, Zakopane, Polska, [B.m]: [brak wydawcy], 1998, s. 81, - Pełne materiały na CD-ROM
Kod: KON-ANG BibTeX (pkt. 0)
[KONF-3601] [data modyf. 06-04-2021 13:59]

100. Stability theory for class of 2D linear systems with dynamic boundary conditions, 1998, Eric Rogers , Jarosław Gramacki , Krzysztof Gałkowski , David H. Owens , W: 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control: Final Program and Book of Abstracts, Tampa, Florida, USA, [B.m.]: [brak wydawcy], 1998, s. 2800--2805,
Kod: KON-ANG BibTeX (pkt. 0)
[KONF-3561] [data modyf. 06-04-2021 13:59]